Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Prepare Christmas Presents to be Shipped Overseas

Shipping a package to another country may seem like it would be difficult, but it is actually fairly simple. Many packages go back and forth over borders on a daily basis. It is simple to follow the regulations for international shipping that will get the package there on time. Start by considering the elements necessary to ship your items including the container, the protection, and sealing method.

Let's begin with the item being sent. Before going too far, you should make sure that what ever you are shipping can be sent to the destination. It is necessary to do this in order to guarantee that the box goes through customs with no issues. The courier you ship through should be able to explain the rules to you. Next, think about how fragile the gift may be and how it will need to be protected while in transit. Deciding on the proper container is the next step. Make sure that the container is big enough and of the proper dimensions to hold the gift and the packaging material inside.

You can use any of several packing substances inside the box to protect the present. Packing peanuts, shredded paper, and popped popcorn are a few things that you can use. Ensure that the country will allow packages that have loose food in them should you decide to use the popcorn. There are also many eco-friendly options from which to choose.

You are ready to seal up the box now. Use wide strip tape close up the package to make sure it does not pop open while in transit. It should be at least two inches wide and approved for international shipping. Using duct tape or clear office tape is not recommended because the duct tape will be refused and the office tape let the box come open. Run a strip of packaging tape along the length of the box holding the flaps down at the seam. It is also advisable to put a few strips the other way crossing over the first strip of tape perpendicularly.

The label is by far the most important thing, because gift will not get anywhere if it missing the label. The mail delivery companies will not accept a handwritten label stuck on with regular tape. The label will slip off almost certainly. The best labels are printed on stickers and typed out in all caps. It is also a good idea to place a second address label inside the box before you close it. Couriers will open boxes with no labels on them to try and find the shipping address.

With the gift ready to go, take it to your closest international courier service or call them to schedule pick-up. Get the present shipped in time to arrive by the date you want. You will want to allow extra time during the holidays for delivery. To learn more about international registered post please visit the link.

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